Hosted by Computational Vision and Geometry Lab
The ONR Structured Learning for Scene Understanding workshop is a gathering of academic and industry researchers with the purpose of discussing the latest progress in this area and foster collaborations among researchers. During the workshop, several topics of strategic interests will be discussed along with their relevance to visual recognition and scene understanding. Topics include deep structured learning, structural prediction, relational inference and multi-scale learning.
The workshop is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), grant number N00014-14-1-0820.
Organizers and chairs:
Silvio Savarese (Stanford University) and Behzad Kamgar-Parsi (ONR)
Student Organizers:
Iro Armeni and Saumitro Dasgupta
Sam Corbett-Davies
The full-day workshop will consist of invited talks by leading researchers in machine learning and computer vision, as well as a poster session.
Attendance Registration Deadline:
September 19th, 2014
Poster Registration Deadline:
September 19th, 2014
October 2nd, 2014
9am - 5pm