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Silvio SavareseAssociate ProfessorComputer Science Dept. office: Room 154 Gates Bldg Phone: TBA Mailing address: 353 Serra Mall, Gates Building, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 ssilvio at stanford dot edu Web |
Postdoctoral Researchers

Patrick Goebel
Research Scientist(Affiliated with the SAIL-Toyota Center for AI Research)
pgoebel at stanford dot edu
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
353 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-9025.
Admin: Tin Tin Wisniewski
Email: tintinyw at cs dot stanford dot edu
Phone: (650) 723-3819
Fax: (650) 725-1449
Join the lab
We are always looking for outstanding prospective PhD candidates. If you are interested in joining the Computational Vision and Geometry Lab as a PhD candidate, please apply for admission to the department, indicating in your application your interest in the Computational Vision and Geometry Lab, Computer Science Department. If you are interested in a Postdoctoral Researcher position, please contact Prof. Savarese.
Graduate members

Amir Sadeghian
PhD Candidate, Stanfordamirabs at stanford dot edu

Kevin Chen
PhD Candidate, Stanfordkchen92 at stanford dot edu

Lyne P. Tchapmi
PhD Candidate, Stanfordlynetcha at stanford dot edu
Rachel Luo
PhD Candidate, Stanfordrsluo at stanford dot edu

Jingwei Ji
PhD Candidate, Stanfordjingweij at stanford dot edu

Ajay Mandlekar
PhD Student, Stanfordamandlek at stanford dot edu

Lin Sun
Visiting Student, StanfordPhD Candidate, HKUST
sunlin1 at stanford dot edu

Sasha Sax
Master's Student, Stanfordasax at stanford dot edu

Julian Gao
Master's Student, Stanfordjulianyg at stanford dot edu

Andrey Kurenkov
Master's Student, Stanfordandreyk at stanford dot edu

Amani Peddada
Master's Student, Stanfordamanivp at stanford dot edu
Undergraduate members

William Shen
Undergraduate Student, Stanfordbshen88 at stanford dot edu

Zhiyang He
Undergraduate Student, Stanfordhzyjerry at stanford dot edu
Visiting or affiliated members
- Shuran Song, Visiting Scholar
- Leo Keselman, Master's Student
- Kaichun Mo, PhD Candidate
- Jingwei Ji, PhD Candidate
- Lamberto Ballan, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Timur Bagautdinov, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Brigit Schroeder, Visiting Scholar
Faculty and Industry Collaborators
- Ron Fedkiw, Professor, CS, Stanford
- Oussama Khatib, Professor, CS, Stanford
- Martin Fischer, Professor, CEE, Stanford
- Deborah Gordon, Professor, Department of Biology, Stanford
- Leo Guibas, Professor, CS, Stanford
- Larry Davis, Professor, CS, UMD
- Sebastian Thrun, Professor, Computer Science
- Caroline Pantofaru, Research Scientist, Google
- Alfred Hero, Professor, EECS, U-Michigan
- Fei-Fei Li, Associate Professor, CS, Stanford
- Feniosky Pena-Mora, Dean of The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University.
- Yu Xiang, Postdoc researcher, 2015 - 2016 (Postdoc at University of Washington)
- Hyun Oh Song, Postdoc researcher, 2014 - 2016 (Research Scientist at Google)
- Tian Lan, Postdoc researcher, 2013 - 2014 (Research Scientist at Amazon)
- Roozbeh Mottaghi, Postdoc researcher, 2013 - 2014 (Research Scientist at Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
- Roni Mittelman, Postdoc researcher, 2011 - 2013
- Jingen Liu, Postdoc researcher, 2010 - 2011 (SRI-Sarnoff)
- David Held, Thesis: “Deep Learning and Probabilistic Methods for Robotic Perception from Streaming Data” (Stanford University, CS), 2016. Current position: postdoctoral fellow at Berkeley.
- Yu Xiang, Thesis: “3D Representation for Object Recognition” (University of Michigan, ECE), 2016. Current position: postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University
- Sid Ying-Ze Bao, Thesis: “Geometric and Semantic Scene Understanding” (University of Michigan, ECE), 2014. Current position: research scientist at Magic Leap.
- Byungsoo Kim, Thesis: “Unified Models for Recovering Semantics and Geometry from Scenes” (University of Michigan, ECE), 2014. Current position: research scientist at Daqri.
- Gaurav Pandey (primary advisor: Ryan Eustice; Co-advisor: Silvio Savarese), Thesis: “An Information Theoretic Framework for Camera and Lidar Sensor Data Fusion and its Applications in Autonomous Navigation of Vehicles” (University of Michigan, ECE), 2014. Current position: Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology, India.
- Wongun Choi, Thesis: “Recognizing human activities from videos” (University of Michigan), 2013. Current position: research scientist NEC.
- Min Sun, Thesis: “2D and 3D Models for Object and Scene Understanding” (University of Michigan, ECE), 2013. Current position: Assistant Professor at National Tsing Hua Unversity (Taiwan)
- Jason Clemons (primary advisor: Todd Austin; Co-advisor: Silvio Savarese), Thesis: “Computer Architectures for Mobile Computer Vision Systems” (University of Michigan, CSE), 2013. Current position: research scientist INTEL.
- Mani Golparvar-Fard, (co-advisor: Silvio Savarese; Primary advisor: Feniosky Pena-Mora), Thesis: “D4AR - 4 Dimensional Augmented Reality - Models for Automation of Construction Progress Monitoring” (University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign, CEE), 2010. Current position: assistant professor at UIUC.
- Yuanfang (Yolanda) Wang (MS, 2016-2018, CS, Stanford). Current position: Master's student at Stanford University
- Te-Lin Wu (MS, 2015-2017, CS, Stanford). Current position: PhD student at University of Southern California
- Ian Tam (MS, 2015-2017, CS, Stanford). Current position: Software engineer at Tableau Software
- Alexandre Robicquet (MS, 2015-2017, CS, Stanford). Current position: Research assistant on Jackrabbot project at Stanford University
- Chris Cruise (MS, 2015-2017, ME, Stanford). Current position: Systems engineer in Autonomous Vehicles group at Ford Motor Company
- Saumitro Dasgupta (MS, 2014-2015, CS, Stanford). Current position: at Skydio
- Yuke Zhu (MS, 2014-2015, CS, Stanford). Current position: PhD student at Stanford University
- Tsung-Chuan Chen (MS, 2014, EE, Stanford). Current position: PhD student at Stanford University
- Yu-Wei Chao (MS, 2011-2013, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: PhD student at University of Michigan
- Changkyu Song (MS, 2012-2013, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: PhD student at Rutgers University
- Shili Xu (MS, 2012-2013, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: Research scientist at Qualcomm
- Wan Huang (MS, 2012-2013, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: PhD student at University of Michigan
- Ryan Tokola (MS, 2010-2013, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: Research scientist at Oakridge National Labs
- Murali Telaporu (MS, 2011-2012, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: Research scientist at Bloomberg
- Mohit Bagra, (MS, 2010-2012, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: Research scientist at Microsoft
- Shyam Kumar, (MS, 2010-2011, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: Research scientist at Amazon
- Khuram Shahid, (MS, 2008-2010, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: Research scientist at Microsoft
- Liang Mei, (MS, 2008-2010, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: Research scientist at Microsoft
- Paritosh Gupta (MS, 2008-2010, ECE, University of Michigan). Current position: N/A
- Andrey del Pozo, (MS, 2006–2008, CS, UIUC). Current position: Research scientist at Apple
- Amani Peddada, 2014—present, Stanford, Current position: MSc at Stanford CS
- Bryan Anenberg, 2014—present, Stanford, Current position: MSc-coterm at Stanford CS
- Helen Jiang, 2015—present, Stanford
- Jyno Kim, 2011-2012, University of Michigan
Past visiting or affiliated members
- Ashesh Jain, PhD, Cornell University
- Chenxia Wu, PhD, Cornell University
- Francesco Castaldo, PhD, SUN, Italy
- Sam Corbett-Davies, PhD candidate, Stanford University
- Laura Leal-Taixe, PhD, Institute for Information Processing (TNT), Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
- Giorgio Gemignani, PhD, Department of Applied Science, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
- Axel Furlan, PhD, University of Milan - Bicocca, Italy
- Valeria Garro, PhD, University of Verona, Italy
- Roberto Javier Lopez-Sastre, PhD, Dept. Signal Theory and Communications, U of Alcala